NOVEMBER 3, 2023
Looking For Your Expertise Planning Commemorative Events For My Organization
DEAR SEANDRA, I am a member of my organization's Diversity Committee. It is our responsibility to plan events that celebrate the commemorative months on our calendar. I am seeking your advice on how to…more
NOVEMBER 3, 2023
DEI Meetings Are Leaving Members Feeling Offended, Silenced and Misrepresented
DEAR SEANDRA Our organization has an in-house Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. There is no doubt that everyone on the committee is committed to creating an environment where critical conversations take place, leading to long-term solutions regarding DEI policies and initiatives. However,…more
OCTOBER 7, 2023
The story BEHIND Ask Seandra,
I recently heard about an interesting situation from a director who was seeking support. Their organization has an in-house DEI Committee, and it's clear that everyone on the committee is passionate about fostering an environment where open and honest discussions lead to… more